Environmental course for hikers

A new environmental course for hikers

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GOB is organising a new course of excursions with complementary talks. It is an environmental course for people who enjoy contact with nature, oriented to give a general view of the natural values of Menorca, centred on the autumn: the landscape, geology, plants, mushrooms…

Autumn in Menorca is called the winter springtime. It is when, after the dry season, nature revives and the island turns green, the fruits mature, and the mushrooms appear…It is an ideal time to enjoy making excursions and contemplating the marvels of nature.

Knowing and understanding the natural values that we discover on the excursions considerably enrich the experience and encourage respect for the environment that is visited. Many people go along the Camí de Cavalls and other paths of Menorca, but they lack sufficient knowledge for appreciating the huge diversity of rocks, plants, mushrooms and animals that we come across on the island. With this little course, we wish to give an opportunity to all those who attend, to acquire some basic knowledge or update what they know of the animals, flora and geology of Menorca and their interrelationship. In addition, the course will provide the tools for expanding and updating their knowledge.

The course is structured in four practical morning excursions on Saturdays, complemented by three theoretic sessions on Friday evenings. They will take place on 23, 24, 30 and 31 October, and 6, 7 and 14 November. Information that is more detailed is on this  document. It is necessary to book. The total course will cost 80 euros (40 euros for members) and to subscribe you can send a message to administracio@gobmenorca.com or by telephone to 971 25 07 62. The number of places is limited and the course will scrupulously follow the Covid-19 regulations. UPDATE: we have reached the maximum number of places.

This activity has the support of the Consell Insular of Menorca and the Menorca Agency for the Reserve of the Biosphere.