Tag Archives: Fishing

Nearly 90% fewer disciplinary proceedings on fishing in 2019

Views: 221

Monitors for fishing produced fewer than 90% disciplinary proceedings in 2019 although fishing was normal before COVID19. GOB will ask to have meetings to find out the reasons for this spectacular decrease. The sum of the Guardia Civil, the two fishing inspectors and the three monitors of the Marine Reserve of the north of Menorca, produced only five open disciplinary proceedings. The number is surprising because in 2018 there were 40 and in 2017 there were 52. Continue reading Nearly 90% fewer disciplinary proceedings on fishing in 2019

We ask that professional fishing for blue crabs is given an incentive

Views: 491

More and more blue crabs are being seen on the coast of Menorca. They are considered to be one of the most invasive species of the Mediterranean. We have asked the Ministry of the Environment of the Balearic Government to persuade the professional fishing industry to catch this species, as a way of controlling its population. The blue crab was first found in 2017 and it has already spread to many areas along the island coast. Continue reading We ask that professional fishing for blue crabs is given an incentive

Save the Natural Values of the Port of Mahon

Views: 287

GOB is asking the Port Authority to stop altering the natural areas of the Port of Mahon. The Cala Corb project includes a geotechnical study of the solidity of the cliff to support a cantilevered wooden walkway. Some days ago, GOB condemned the changes happening to works that were being carried out for the south sidewalk of Cala Corb, in Es Castell, one of the areas in the Port of Mahon with a natural rock cliff. Since then the works have been stopped. Continue reading Save the Natural Values of the Port of Mahon

Avoidable effects on the environment in the Port

Views: 264

GOB would like to express its concerns for the change in the construction works of a pedestrian link that the Port Authority has instigated between Moll d’en Pons and Cala Corb. There, where they announced there would be an overhanging wooden walkway, is, in reality a working dock that is destroying the ecosystem at the base of the rocks. GOB has asked to see the project approvals. Continue reading Avoidable effects on the environment in the Port

The marine environment becomes part of the Reserve of the Biosphere

Views: 466

An area of some 20 kilometres of sea around Menorca has become part of the Reserve of the Biosphere, which, until now, included only land. UNESCO approved the addition on 5 June in Paris. This declaration is something which will be very helpful for enabling protection in the future. GOB celebrates the designation and the encouragement it gives to working for the rational conservation of the marine environment. Continue reading The marine environment becomes part of the Reserve of the Biosphere

On the great necessity for a Marine Reserve around the Illa de l’Aire

Views: 326

The proposal to regulate the fishing around the Illa de l’Aire has been brought to public notice in the past few days. GOB has made court declarations and wants to make public some of the considerations regarding this. Menorca suffers from over fishing. The scientists who study the sea point out that the level of conservation of the marine ecosystems around the island does not correspond with the presence of fauna. The use of precision technology in professional fishing, the thousands of recreational boats sailing during the whole of the summer, the underwater fishing and the shortage of effective monitoring, leave many species in the Menorcan sea over exploited. Continue reading On the great necessity for a Marine Reserve around the Illa de l’Aire

Extra time for collecting support for the allegations made against the seismic prospecting: until 3 July

Views: 138

Documents sent by institutions and companies to the relevant Ministry advised that the application procedure for the project for seismic prospecting had many defects. As a result, there is now extra time available to publicise information on this matter to more people. Continue reading Extra time for collecting support for the allegations made against the seismic prospecting: until 3 July

26,000 people sent allegations made against the projected seismic prospecting in the Balearic Sea

Views: 185

26,000 people sent allegations to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation made against MedSalt for their latest project for seismic prospecting in the sea around the islands.

The combined efforts of the Aliança Mar Blava succeeded in achieving a huge public response so that, in just a month, a campaign was formed and signatures, mainly from the Balearic Islands, were collected.

Many associations, collectives, commercial and private individuals became heavily involved. Very noticeable were the tables set up in the streets for the platform of Menorca Diu No (Menorca Says No). It shows what can be achieved when people combine their efforts.

Thanks to appeals made by the legally registered associations pointing out various formal deficiencies in the application procedure for the project there is, consequently, a new opportunity for explaining the issues to the public and allow an increase in the number of people making the allegations against the project during the next few weeks.

We are promoting different initiatives to gain a moratorium on any new projects for seismic prospecting with guns using compressed air as well as exploring for hydrocarbons. In addition, the Central government in the Congress of Deputies is being pressed to stop vetoing the law for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea that stops projects of this style. This was approved unanimously in the Balearic Parliament.

Many thanks to everyone who has helped.