Tag Archives: Energy

Land stewardship agreement with a solar park

Views: 222

Taking advantage of the conditions of low human presence in a solar park, GOB has signed a land stewardship agreement with the Parc del Camí de Sant Joan in order to promote maximum biodiversity.

The installation of a solar energy park will begin to be constructed in the next few months and will occupy about 10 hectares of very rocky land. It has obtained a favourable report from the Medi Ambient department and a municipal licence.

The idea is to carry out various activities at the points where there are no solar panels in order to help different fauna: make drinking troughs with safe access; warm refuges for insects; stone refuges for mammals; areas for sowing cereals; enhancement of wild flowers of different seasons, etc.

GOB has already produced some inventories of flora and fauna of the area in order to be able to monitor the changes as they occur.

The implementation of renewable energies in rural areas has quite exhaustive criteria relating to zoning, integration with the countryside and construction systems, aimed at avoiding the irreversible transformation of the land. With this agreement, the aim is to go further and try out activities that help fauna in a positive way.

We are confident that good results will follow and that the experience serves to increase the environmental benefits of renewable installations that are being implemented on the island.

Look here to see the commemorative video of 45 years of GOB in Menorca.

Urban Agenda for Menorca: debate at the Ateneu

Views: 243

This evening, Thursday 3 March, will be the last of the round table discussions at the Ateneu concerned with projects applying for European Next Generation funding. Menorca has been designated as the pilot area for the Spanish Urban Agenda for the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. It is concerned with the development of sustainability goals in cities and communities. It can be followed by attending at the Ateneu of Maó or on its youtube channel , this Thursday at 8 pm. Continue reading Urban Agenda for Menorca: debate at the Ateneu

Energy and Water for New Buildings

Views: 268

Recently, there has been some controversy, reported in the Menorcan press, concerning requirements for energy efficiency and water consumption in new buildings. The issue began with a memo from the College of Architects and the discussion continued at a meeting of the Mayors with the Island Council however, the information released by the press seems to be more of a complaint than a solution to the proposals. Continue reading Energy and Water for New Buildings

The Central Electricity Power Station and Creative Headlines

Views: 250

There are many ways to analyse data and news headlines. Sometimes, the data are analysed well, however, the headlines hardly do them justice. So it is with the Central Electricity Power station.

We have recently seen headlines announcing that the turbines of the Power Station have reduced their pollution by 83%, thanks to the injection of treated wastewater. Someone, who does not know the details of how the factory operates to generate energy for the island, would think that the whole of the Power Station has contributed to this air pollution reduction. This is not so. Continue reading The Central Electricity Power Station and Creative Headlines

Wind direction multiplies pollutants in Mahon

Views: 262

We have studied how the direction of the wind affects the measurements of the pollutants, and show that the winds from the north increase the concentrations of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen by 4 to 8 times. When the wind comes from the direction of the Central Electricity Power Station, these pollutants go as far as the town of Mahon. A change to the criterion of the production of electricity to that which prioritises the health of the public is urgently required. Continue reading Wind direction multiplies pollutants in Mahon

Series of debates in February and March

Views: 267

Last Friday was the start of a new series of round table talks dedicated to innovatory projects in Menorca. They are organized by the Ateneu in Mahon and GOB with the collaboration of the Menorca Preservation Fund. They can be followed by video conferencing. The first one was on Friday dealing with the problem of rubbish and was titled “Collection and processing of domestic rubbish in Menorca”. Continue reading Series of debates in February and March