Alliance for a sustainable agricultural sector

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During the first half of February, the Agrarian Custody team and the San Crispín Cooperative organized three focus groups to promote an alliance for transitioning the agricultural sector towards an agroecological and sustainable model.

These meetings have involved various stakeholders from administration, organizations, and agricultural businesses. Another session will soon be held with actors from the commercialization sector. These discussions have brought to light shared perspectives and valuable contributions across multiple areas, helping to identify many of the common needs of Menorca’s agricultural sector.

Administrative framework

One of the most pressing issues is administrative: there is a widespread call to reduce or at least better manage the bureaucracy currently required. Additionally, stakeholders demand legislation tailored to small-scale producers, particularly concerning health regulations. Improved interconnection between administrative bodies is also seen as essential to avoid constant document duplication, streamline procedures, and advance toward a “one-stop window” that centralizes bureaucratic processes.

Agricultural context

Another shared need is access to mechanical resources to facilitate farm work. Proper machinery, such as legume harvesters or tools for Keyline Design marking, would enhance efficiency. A tool bank could also be a highly beneficial resource.

There is also a common concern about ensuring the continuity of agricultural work in Menorca. In this regard, there is a clear interest in developing pathways to promote generational renewal, which could be facilitated by offering agricultural training based on the agroecological model. This model is increasingly in demand by farms seeking to revive agricultural activity and by consumers looking for sustainable products.


Collaboration and strategic alliances among producers are essential to improving sector planning. Better coordination would help increase the production of specific foods to meet local demand, prevent price drops due to temporary oversupply, and reduce dependence on external sources.

For this to happen, however, unified and detailed agricultural statistics are crucial. This is another pressing need in the sector, as such data could provide valuable insights, help identify new needs, and shape strategic action lines for the alliance.


Efforts must also be made to raise public awareness of the qualities of agroecological products and educate consumers—both individuals and collectives—on aligning their demands with Menorca’s ecological and social realities. Consequently, distribution channels must be improved to make products more accessible both to consumers and producers while ensuring economic viability.

Raising consumer awareness about the added value of sustainably produced goods and publicly recognizing the conservation work carried out by farmers is essential to achieving these goals.

A Project in Motion

The group sessions will continue soon with an intensive workshop on March 13-14, bringing together all those interested in shaping the alliance. The workshop will be led by expert facilitators who will help participants maximize the benefits of collaborative work.

This initiative is part of the GOV4ALL project, promoted in Menorca by GOB, the San Crispín Cooperative, Rayën Soluciones, and the University of Valencia. It is supported by the European Union through the Mission Soil initiative and Horizon program funding.