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The European Voluntary Service (EVS) is part of ERASMUS+, a European Union programme that promotes the mobility of young people through international activities with a non-formal education dimension such as youth exchanges, voluntary services, youth initiatives and training of youth workers. More information:
Only young people aged between 17 to 30 who are not Spanish may take part in an EVS programme with GOB Menorca. At this moment we are offering two long term projects in GOB Menorca, both are 12 months and start in October. Applications from prospective candidates must be made in February.
Projects offered at GOB Menorca:
- Environmental Voluntary Work on the Island of Menorca
- Authoctonous Plant Gardening on the Island of Menorca

This project involves the volunteer in different environmental conservation projects that GOB Menorca carries out (The Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals, The Nursery Garden for indigenous plants, environmental education, volunteer management, etc).
The volunteer will participate at least once a week at the Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals, offering technical help with the management of the animals in care (feeding, maintenance of the installations, coordinating the team of volunteers, etc). During the summer, when the Centre opens to the public, more activities are carried out there, such as giving attention to the visitors, developing themed activities, etc. Also, during the breeding season, the volunteer will take an active part in the campaign for the adoption of orphaned chicks. Moreover the volunteer will participate actively in the Environmental Education Service, taking part in school activities such as excursions, storytelling, workshops, environmental awareness campaigns, as well working on the GOB data base, keeping a photographic archive of the activities and supplying help in improving the educational materials, among other tasks.
In addition, the volunteer will offer support to the Nursery Garden for indigenous plants generally once a week (specific tasks are developed for the care of the autochthonous, ecologically certified plants as well as for other projects as needed.) The volunteer must be flexible and be able to assume other activities proposed by the Group, as they are not always routine and can vary according to the time of the year. The volunteer will help with office work at the GOB headquarters.
More details on this project:
This project involves the volunteer in a variety of different projects regarding nursery gardens.
The work in the nursery garden, “Es Viver”, is principally in the sphere of sustainable gardening, encouraging the use of indigenous plants. The daily tasks include watering the seedlings in the greenhouse, the plants for sale, the garden and the compost. The weekly tasks also include weeding the plants in pots and in the garden, and cleaning the pathways and the garden sheds. As well, the volunteer will work in plant production, in which the main tasks include seeding and transplanting, weeding and fertilizing plants. In addition, the volunteer will be able to help with landscaping and maintaining public and private spaces, and building and maintaining green filters for the purification of waste water. In Es Viver the different types of work vary depending on the time of the year.
Also once a week, it will be possible to help at the Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals. Here the main tasks include feeding animals (birds, turtles), as well as cleaning and maintaining the facilities of the centre. The volunteer must be flexible and be able to assume other activities proposed by the Group, as they are not always routine and can vary according to the time of the year. The volunteer will help with office work at the GOB headquarters.
To participate in an EVS project you must have a sending organization. The Erasmus+ National Agency in your country can help you to find a sending organization and answer your questions.
Each February we are open to receive applications from all candidates interested in our projects. Please, at that time send us your CV and a specific motivation letter for the project in which you would like to participate. The most suitable candidates for each project will take part in a Skype meeting. Then, if your application is successful, we will apply for April Call. After a month or two we will know whether or not the project has been approved. Once we have approval everything will be arranged to start in October.
Good luck!