EVS volunteer Dóra Szefcsik


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Dóra Szefcsik (Pécs, Hungary) completed the EVS project with GOB Menorca from February to September 2016. She played an active role in the development of the activities which were part of the project “Autochthonous Gardening on the Island of Menorca” (2015-3-ES02-KA105-006829). She helped at the Wild Animals Rescue Centre and, above all, at the Garden Centre for indigenous plants located in Maó.

Her EVS project was focused on the activities relating to the Garden Centre for indigenous plants, “Es Viver”, a green space created by GOB based principally on sustainable gardening, encouraging the use of indigenous plants which require little maintenance and low water consumption.

Dóra participated with enthusiasm in different tasks such as installation maintenance, soil recycling processes, transplanting and seedbed techniques, green filters and the care of organic certified plants grown in the garden. She was responsible for co-ordinating the local volunteer group of “Es Viver”.

Once a week she assisted at the Wild Animal Rescue Centre where she carried out the main activities for animal care such as feeding, cleaning and nursing. Moreover, during the summer, she was in charge of organizing the family activities at the Rescue Centre as well as welcoming and guiding other visitors.

EVS volunteer Dóra Szefcsik
EVS volunteer Dóra Szefcsik

Conscientious Ecology