Why do birds have such a wide variety of beaks? Family Workshop at the Wildlife Recovery Center

Views: 90

At the Menorca Wildlife Recovery Center, we’re kicking off September with a new round of family activities. In this Tuesday’s workshop, we’ll offer a series of fun and educational games to help understand why birds have such a remarkable diversity of beaks.

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The dangers of invasive species to Menorca’s native wildlife: new family activity at the Wildlife Recovery Center

Views: 131

This Tuesday, August 27th, starting at 6:30 PM, the Menorca Wildlife Recovery Center will host a special family workshop. During this event, we will explore the stories of exotic animals such as iguanas, American and African tortoises, and other species that now reside at our hospital. How did these animals from distant lands find their way to Menorca? Through interactive games, we will learn about these creatures and the challenges that invasive species pose to our native wildlife.

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Ràdio Far launches a podcast on environmental reflection

Views: 62

Ràdio Far station has introduced a new podcast titled “Època de muda” (“Molting Season”), offering deep reflections on our relationship with the environment. The podcast features the evocative and committed texts by Miquel Camps, GOB’s Coordinator of Territorial Policy. This platform aims not just to share opinions on environmental issues, but also to challenge listeners’ consciences and spark debates on the significant challenges that our society is facing today.

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Over five hundred people gather to embrace the old town of Ciutadella against the impact of mass tourism on Menorca

Views: 161

This Tuesday, August 20th, over 500 people gathered in Ciutadella to demand a different path for the island. Under the slogan “Menorca is not for sale,” the crowd assembled in the Cathedral Square to request a change of course, with tourism as an economic activity that respects both residents and natural resources.

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Rowing along

Views: 62

Rowing at sea is the application of the lever principle to move a boat. It’s one of the oldest systems, practiced by peoples all over the world. Rowing was the motor of the past, especially when the wind was not blowing and the sails hung limp. Having strong arms on board was a guarantee of being able to overcome the uncertainties of the sea.

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Discover the meaning of animal colors – New family activities Tuesday at the Menorca Wildlife Recovery Center

Views: 61

This Tuesday, August 20th, at 18:30 h, the Menorca Wildlife Recovery Center is offering a new workshop for the whole family! It is a unique opportunity to learn in a fun and educational way about the colors of animals and their significance in nature. Through games and interactive activities, we will discover how animal colors can be crucial for their lives and survival.

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Large Irrigations in Full Sun and Against the Law

Views: 119

In a year of severe drought, large forage irrigations continue to be seen watering during peak sun hours. In Menorca, this practice is prohibited by law. The GOB (Balearic Group of Ornithology and Defense of Nature) has written to the Department of Water Resources to request that large farms engaging in these practices be warned.

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Conscientious Ecology