Family activity Tuesday on animal migrations at the Wildlife Recovery Center

Views: 61

A new evening of family activities at the Wildlife Recovery Center of Menorca! This Tuesday, starting at 6:30 PM, enjoy a new family workshop at the animal hospital.

Do you want to understand why birds and other animals travel thousands of kilometers during their migrations? This will be the subject of this week’s activity. We will learn through games and interactions with the center’s animals.

Animal migrations are regular movements that many species undertake, usually between their breeding grounds and their wintering areas. These journeys, which can be very long and often dangerous, typically occur every year and are primarily motivated by the search for food, suitable temperatures, and safe places to breed. At the Recovery Center, you can see different examples of animals that migrate and those that don’t, and learn about the special characteristics of some species native to Menorca.

Remember, the Wildlife Recovery Center is open for visits from Monday to Saturday, starting at 6 PM until sunset.

The Recovery Center is located within the Pedreres de s’Hostal of Líthica. To visit, you must first purchase an entry ticket to Líthica, which you can buy in advance at Líthica Visit (€4 for residents, €7 for non-residents, and free for children under 13). You can also buy tickets at the entrance for one euro more.

Access to the Pedreres de s’Hostal is at Camí Vell de Ciutadella, km 1. Once inside, come to the center, where an additional fee of €2 will be charged. Admission is free for children under 13.

You can find more details about each family activity in the main post on the Wildlife Recovery Center summer program.

Your visit greatly helps us in our work. We look forward to seeing you!

August 20: Take part in the popular embrace of Ciutadella’s Old Town

Views: 88

The issues of access to housing and the touristification of urban centers will be the focus of the next participatory action by the Via Menorca platform. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, August 20th, at 7 PM, in the Plaça de la Catedral of Ciutadella.

The activity will create a human embrace around much of the old town of Ciutadella as a call to halt the loss of rights and identity.

Continue reading August 20: Take part in the popular embrace of Ciutadella’s Old Town

Cala Mitjana: parking with dipped headlights, short-sighted solutions

Views: 114

The decision to expand the parking lot at Cala Mitjana is one of the measures stemming from the Balearic Government’s Decree Law, aimed at overlooking the side effects of institutional policy. For years, Cala Mitjana has been doubling or even tripling its maximum user capacity. Expanding the parking lot further degrades the natural area and diminishes the tourist experience of visiting this beautiful beach.

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Towels on the Sand

Views: 141

Cala en Turqueta is a small natural wonder. Two discreet ravines in southern Menorca converge at a single point, forming a bifurcated beach of clear sand, turquoise waters, and tall vegetation reaching the water’s edge. This place combines the idyllic characteristics of tourist promotion with the unique identity of an iconic space for the island’s territorial defense.

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Summer family activities at the Wildlife Recovery Center

Views: 70

This summer, the Menorca Wildlife Recovery Center offers a unique opportunity to learn about local fauna. With a variety of activities such as games, crafts, and stories, visitors can discover and interact with turtles, toads, nocturnal birds, and raptors every Tuesday in August and September. Have a fun and educational afternoon with your family. Don’t miss our entertaining activities!

This Tuesday, August 6, starting at 6:30 PM, there will be a family workshop at the Wildlife Recovery Center! We will have games and activities to understand why birds have such a wide variety of beaks: short, long, thin, thick, sharp, straight, hooked…

Continue reading Summer family activities at the Wildlife Recovery Center

August 13: reunion of former GOB summer camps participants (1990-2005)

Views: 67

GOB Menorca is calling on all those who took part in the educational summer camps during their initial phase, specifically from 1990 to 2005, to attend a reunion filled with memories and friendship.

The event will take place at Parc des Freginal in Maó, on August 13, starting at 7:30 PM.

Continue reading August 13: reunion of former GOB summer camps participants (1990-2005)

‘Custòdia Agrària’ products to Reduce the Ecological Footprint

Views: 82

Earth Overshoot Day, also known as Ecological Debt Day, marks the date when humanity’s demand for natural resources in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. In 2024, this day falls on August 1st; from this point on, everything we consume depletes the savings accounts of future generations.

To demonstrate that there can be a more respectful way to produce food —economically viable and promoting social justice— , ‘Custodia Agrària’, GOB’s Land Stewardship program, commissioned a study on the ecological footprint of cold meats from these Menorcan farms. The resulting report, prepared by Global Footprint Network, delivers a clear message: it is possible.

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Cala en Turqueta Advocates for a New Path for Menorca

Views: 137

The Via Menorca campaign made history this past weekend by moving to a real beach: from Cala en Turqueta, we envisioned and organized a change of course for Menorca.

Early on Saturday morning, July 27th, a group of 250 people coordinated to meet at the parking lot of this beach, filling it with residents’ cars for about six hours. The gathering continued on the beach, where participants crafted various messages on the sand using towels and their own bodies. These images were used to convey to the world the concern of a significant portion of the Menorcan population about the island’s increasing overcrowding.

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Petition for Unconstitutionality of the Omnibus Decree Law

Views: 99

Allowing construction in flood or fire risk areas again, legalizing buildings on rural land without meeting the minimum parameters set by territorial planning, and contradicting higher regulations through a Decree Law based on “extraordinary and urgent necessity” represents a substantial change in the legal conditions of the Balearic Islands’ territory. This arbitrary move creates significant discrimination among citizens.

Continue reading Petition for Unconstitutionality of the Omnibus Decree Law

Conscientious Ecology