Tag Archives: GOB Menorca

Over five hundred people gather to embrace the old town of Ciutadella against the impact of mass tourism on Menorca

Views: 97

This Tuesday, August 20th, over 500 people gathered in Ciutadella to demand a different path for the island. Under the slogan “Menorca is not for sale,” the crowd assembled in the Cathedral Square to request a change of course, with tourism as an economic activity that respects both residents and natural resources.

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August 13: reunion of former GOB summer camps participants (1990-2005)

Views: 34

GOB Menorca is calling on all those who took part in the educational summer camps during their initial phase, specifically from 1990 to 2005, to attend a reunion filled with memories and friendship.

The event will take place at Parc des Freginal in Maó, on August 13, starting at 7:30 PM.

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The Balearic Islands coordinate to change the current tourism model

Views: 82

Under the slogan “Change course: set limits on tourism,” the four Balearic islands are jointly working on a schedule of mobilizations and demands.

As a result of the public protests that have taken place in the archipelago, some coordination has been called for to deal with the multiple social, labour and ecological aspects of the all-consuming tourism expanding into every corner of these islands.

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