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Public institutions are trying to avoid confronting the problem of tourist overcrowding and its consequences, arguing that there is a shortage of studies. Meanwhile, the usual spokespersons for the tourist sector adopt denial postures for some of the problems that are already more than evident.
The feeling of tourist saturation is growing in the Menorcan population and no one is doing anything to avoid the annual increase. GOB has prepared a series of proposals that will be presented this Thursday to discuss what initiatives can be taken by the local public.
The debate is not about tourism yes or no. In fact, it is a framework for having a discussion with those not wanting to have anything to do with the avoidance of overcrowding.
What is at stake is the model Menorca has maintained until now but is found to be threatened seriously by a commitment to unprecedented and unlimited growth. That has a negative effect on the resident population and reduces the quality of the visitors’ experience.
The campaign, Via Menorca, Pacta para la economia y la sostenibilidad de Menorca (The way forward for Menorca: A pact for the economy and sustainability of Menorca) will be explained. The description will give data and proposals for confronting crucial aspects such as tourist overcrowding, access to housing, the management of water and economic diversification.
The campaign information will be presented on Thursday 9 May at 19.30 in the GOB offices of Maó.
Pass this on to anyone who might be interested. It is time to get going.