Carlos Coll, former GOB president

Time to say Farewell

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First of all, I would like to make a special mention in memory of our island coordinator, Tófol Mascaró, who died suddenly and without any warning. There are no words to express the void he has left and what he has meant to GOB and all Menorca. It is a loss difficult to assimilate both at a human level as well as professionally. Tófol will always be present in our memories.

It feels like only the other day when I was proposed as President of GOB yet it has been six years. What is certain is that the time has passed very rapidly, almost like a sigh. They have been six intense years and, as long as I live, I will never forget all that I have experienced. It has been an honour and privilege to be president of this organization.

Now has come the time to say farewell. I think it is good for institutions to have renewal, as long as it is guaranteed, and that, in this case, I do not have the slightest doubt it will be so.

In the first place, I wish to thank GOB for all it has done for me during these years, for all I have learnt and for the opportunity that it has given me to know interesting people, to participate in stimulating projects and to gain enriching experiences.

I must give deep thanks to the executive team for the support they have given me for their enthusiasm, their dedication, for their human and professional qualities. They are the real motor that makes it possible for GOB to be known as one of the most respectable institutions of Menorca. The respect achieved is thanks for serious, rigorous work with all sorts of data and for always offering alternatives to whatever problem with which it is presented, none of which is easy.

I would also like to thank all the members of the different boards of directors that I have had the honour to chair for their support during these years and who have always helped with important criteria and visions. A contribution basic to the good functioning of the entity.

Then, sincere thanks to all the volunteers, for their dedication, enthusiasm and empathy. Theirs are some of the most important activities. Without their participation, GOB would not be able to achieve all it does.

Many thanks, also, to all the people who are members of GOB. This is a social group that does not stop increasing in size year after year, that gives weight, encouragement and support to the work started in Menorca more than four decades ago. The membership fees allow the basic functioning of GOB and guarantee its economic independence and the liberty to express our views freely.

I do not want to forget to acknowledge the communication media, the companies, the institutions, foundations and all those other people who, on particular occasions, gave us the extra help needed.

And, finally, to confirm that I am simply leaving the presidency but I will continue supporting and helping GOB on another level. A long as I live, I will always have GOB close to my heart.

Carlos Coll Pons

Ex President del GOB

(Carlos Coll has been President of GOB Menorca during the years between 2018 to 2024. He has passed on the presidential baton to Margarida Masferrer.)