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This evening, Thursday 3 March, will be the last of the round table discussions at the Ateneu concerned with projects applying for European Next Generation funding. Menorca has been designated as the pilot area for the Spanish Urban Agenda for the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. It is concerned with the development of sustainability goals in cities and communities. It can be followed by attending at the Ateneu of Maó or on its youtube channel , this Thursday at 8 pm.
The program will be presented by the Menorcan Minister of Employment, Housing and Cooperation, Cristina Gomez as well as the Island Director of Employment, Innovation and Local Cooperation, Nativitat Benejam, and the Island Director of Housing, Public and Volunteer Cooperation, Roser Roman. It will be an opportunity to learn about this program and the many projects it is working on to make our towns the most sustainable both socially and environmentally.
The cycle of round table discussions have been organised by the Ateneu of Maó and GOB in collaboration with Menorca Preservation. It has unveiled a number of innovative projects that are happening in Menorca and are eligible for European Next Generation funding.