June 8th: Protest rally against mass tourism

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GOB is calling for a protest rally against tourist overcrowding in front of the Consell Insular (Island Governing Council) at the Plaza Biosfera de Maó, at 18.30 on Saturday 8th of June. Help to publicize this event.

For years, Menorca has been increasing its excess of tourists that aggravate congestion. This year already in May there are overcrowded beaches.

Proposals to limit the number of vehicles by making a legal capacity for Menorca, has been rejected by the Island Council saying that this needs to be studied further. In addition, the government is announcing their intention to open tourist rentals in rural land and have asked that Menorca be the first island to leave the tourist moratorium. At the moment, this is the first governing executive to deny tourist overcrowding.

The path of unlimited tourist growth is making many different problems: in the social sphere (exorbitant increases in house prices, loss of ability to purchase); in the environment (water resources, purification capacity, overcrowding on beaches); as well as economically, (the per capita income of the Balearic Islands has dropped while the number of tourists triples). This way is clearly unacceptable.

Faced with this situation, there are citizens’ proposals for finding a way back to the model which stands out for being sustainable and towards which Menorca has worked for several years. It is necessary to make the voice of the citizens heard for the future so that the public institutions abandon their inaction and work together for a more dignified future.

Please send on this message to your friends, distribute the advertisement attached through your networks and place them in visible places. On Saturday 8 June we must fill the Biosphere Square and fill it with hope for a better future.