Camí de Cavalls: 12 collectives write to the President of the Island Governing Council

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Twelve different non-profit making entities that work together closely for the Camí de Cavalls, have written to the President of the Consell Insular (Island Governing Council) to inform him of the uneasiness that has been generated since the announcement of the modification of the Law of the Camí de Cavalls.

As will be remembered, at the end of August, there was a joint press conference between the Island Governing Council and the Balearic Island Government where a modification to the Law of the Camí de Cavalls to allow offering services was announced.

The entities, associations and collectives that support the document that has now been sent, are usually regular users of the Camí and know the needs that this path presents in certain places, such as the problem of significant erosion in some sections and the difficulty of passage for the horses.

The Coordinadora of the Camí de Cavalls, the Unió Excursionista de Menorca, the Friends of the Camí d’en Kane, GOB, the Penya Ciclista Ciutadella, the Coordinadora of the Camins de Menorca, the Associació de Vesins des Castell, the Centre d’Estudis Locals d’Alaior, the Associació de Vesins de Ferreries, the Associació de Vesines des Mercadal and the Federació d’Associacions de Veïns de Menorca, all signed the letter to Adolfo Vilafranca.

These groups understand various activities that are covered: the use of tourist accommodation in coastal urbanisations, the possibilities of agro tourism and the new forms of agro stays created by the Territorial Planning Permissions, the potential demand for overnight stays and services for people who would like to travel on consecutive days.

For these reasons, we wanted to convey our concern over the announcement made by the two administrations mentioned above and ask to know exactly what activities are wanted that require a modification to the law.

We understand how the planned route of the Camí de Cavalls is greatly acceptable. It serves both residents and visitors for getting to know the perimeter of the island and must maintain its attraction as a path integrated with nature, without any interventions that could take away the character of a centuries old layout, that has been recovered by popular demand.