Environmental richness in the Land Stewardship Scheme farms

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With the current good weather the Menorcan countryside becomes filled with life and colours. Now is the moment to start monitoring the bioindicators on the farms in the Land Stewardship Scheme.

Do you like to stroll through the countryside in Menorca and discover new corners? Are you interested in knowing more about the biodiversity that you can see on your excursions? Would you like to help in a Civic Science Project? Now is your chance. Participate in monitoring the bioindicators.

As you have heard many times, the relationship between the type of agriculture and biodiversity is evident, but there is a shortage of scientific studies that follow the impact of agricultural management on the fauna and flora. Since 2018, the Land Stewardship Scheme programme has been carrying out a study on this interrelationship with the fundamental aim of leading the agriculture sector towards sustainability and environmental care.

This study pays attention to various biological groups. From the butterfly group, we look at its abundancy and diversity, since it is an invertebrate that is easy to identify and quite sensitive to climate changes.

We also study the quantity of certain plants such as clover, thistles, and nettles. They show us the level of nitrogen in the soil and thus how much the pasture suffers and how the land has been affected.

Focussing on the health of the cattle, we observe the activity of a group of coprophagos. They are made up of beetles, ants, spiders and other invertebrates that live on and eat cattle faeces. An excrement full of life is a healthy excrement!

It is not necessary to have any scientific knowledge or previous experience, as the follow up includes initial training and visits are accompanied. It will have a very simple guide and the work instructions are clear and straightforward. All that is necessary is to have a couple of free mornings between 16 and 29 May and another couple between 6 and 19 June.

The training consists of a theory session and another practical.

Theoretical session (it is only necessary to attend one):

Tuesday 3 May – 19.00 to 20.30h – taking place at the GOB headquarters

Wednesday 4 May – 11.00 to 12.30h – online

Practical session in the country: Saturday 7 May from 9.00 to 13.30 (Place to be decided)

It is a good opportunity to get to know the real Menorcan countryside better, to visit farms and to have contact with nature.

People interested should send an email to custodia@gobmenorca.com, or telephone 971 350 762, or call into the GOB head office on a weekday morning open from 9 – 14h. (Cami des Castell, 53. Maó)

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