Make your own nettle purine

Make your own nettle purine

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This Saturday, 7 March at 10 am, there will be a workshop at Es Viver of GOB to explain how to make a good nettle purine, a remedy for strengthening garden plants. Nettle plants, with waste from the kitchen and garden provide resources for making ecological compost for strengthening plant cultivation or preventing and curing diseases in them. The workshop is open to everyone, is free and it is not necessary to book.

Ecological agriculture is based on strengthening the relationships between the different soil species, companion plants and beneficial insects to get healthy and productive crops. There are ways to make the most of these aspects and reinforce the defences of our plants. There are also treatments for avoiding pests and diseases. When, unfortunately, they still appear, we are able to utilize ecological treatments, without chemical pollutants. The nettles and kitchen waste can be a resource to be able to make some of these remedies for ourselves.

Es Viver of GOB that grows Menorcan plants is open from Mondays to Saturdays from 10.00 to 13.30. It is on the airport road in Mahon in front of the old Mestral building. We are now beginning to have seedlings of lettuces, zucchini, and other vegetables.

We look forward to seeing you.