Talati settlement

Night time excursion on 2 June to Talatí

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The last excursion of this course, before the summer break, will be at night. On Saturday 2 June there will be a visit to the ancient archaeological site of Talatí de Dalt, in Mahon.

The itinerary will be to walk along old paths and will be easy. On arrival at the site, the archaeologist will give a guided visit with known information on the elements that make up this settlement which include a talayot, a magnificent table within the precincts, caves, parts of walls, talayotic houses and various rooms with columns.

There is no need to make a reservation. Interested people should gather near the Consell Insular in the Plaça Biosfera at 21.30 on the 2 June. The excursion will start at 22.00. There will be a bus to go back (5 €) and it is estimated to finish at 01.30.

This programme of excursions, organised jointly between the Department of Culture of the Consell Insular and GOB will stop during the months of July and August and resume in September.