Tag Archives: Proposals

Thursday 17 June discussion on today and tomorrow in the agricultural world

Views: 1658

The difficulties of the milk subsector; the obstacle of amitgeria (the traditional Menorcan deal between landlords and farmers); the costs and the time that the farmers need to invest in the bureaucracy; the opportunities of new markets; the effects of the arrival of new investors; the strategies for improving the cost effectiveness of agriculture; and other interesting aspects, will be discussed this Thursday at an event organized by GOB. Continue reading Thursday 17 June discussion on today and tomorrow in the agricultural world

Agriculture that embraces biodiversity

Views: 232

Thursday, 20 May, was World Bee Day. The purpose of this international day is for acknowledging that bees and pollinators in general, are fundamental to our survival and that we are not taking care of them. As a result, half the number of insect species has fallen alarmingly and a third is already considered in danger of extinction. Continue reading Agriculture that embraces biodiversity

A New Generation of farmers with the Land Stewardship Scheme

Views: 417

Between L’Agentina and Alcaidús there are 68 hectares of land managed by a young farmer full of hopes and dreams. Torralba d’en Salord has entered the Land Stewardship Scheme. This farm is run mainly for stock watered by rain, and its principal activity is for pasturing animals and sowing oats, both indigenous varieties of Menorca. With the intention of respecting the rhythm of the soil, the place is divided into two areas, one for grazing and one for sowing cereals, by rotation. Sowing legumes is one of the objectives, intended to be achieved soon, in order to improve the fertility of the soil. Continue reading A New Generation of farmers with the Land Stewardship Scheme

Energy and Water for New Buildings

Views: 259

Recently, there has been some controversy, reported in the Menorcan press, concerning requirements for energy efficiency and water consumption in new buildings. The issue began with a memo from the College of Architects and the discussion continued at a meeting of the Mayors with the Island Council however, the information released by the press seems to be more of a complaint than a solution to the proposals. Continue reading Energy and Water for New Buildings

Improving the PTI

Views: 222

At the same time that hundreds of people were presenting objections following the model made available by GOB, the association also submitted a large document with ideas for improving many of the provisions that appear in the texts of the PTI (Pla Territorial Insular, Territorial Planning for the next years) that have been available for public scrutiny for 40 business days. Continue reading Improving the PTI

Participation in making objections to the PTI

Views: 224

The PTI (Pla Territorial Insular) is a strategy for defining the territorial model of Menorca. It is now open to public scrutiny and is the best time for giving opinions to improve the documentation that was approved initially. GOB has studied all the documentation and makes available to interested people, an objection form that can be signed by individuals or by legally existing organisations. Continue reading Participation in making objections to the PTI

Wind direction multiplies pollutants in Mahon

Views: 250

We have studied how the direction of the wind affects the measurements of the pollutants, and show that the winds from the north increase the concentrations of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen by 4 to 8 times. When the wind comes from the direction of the Central Electricity Power Station, these pollutants go as far as the town of Mahon. A change to the criterion of the production of electricity to that which prioritises the health of the public is urgently required. Continue reading Wind direction multiplies pollutants in Mahon

Public participation in the rescue of the coast: round table this Friday

Views: 201

This Friday, 5 March at 20pm, there will be a round table discussion on examples of public involvement for the rescue of the coast of Menorca. The programme of adopting sections of the coast is an example of how people and companies respond to solving significant problems when we channel our worries into one appropriate organization. Continue reading Public participation in the rescue of the coast: round table this Friday