Today for tomorrow. Where should we sign?

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On Tuesday a campaign to collect signatures, to present to Parliament, for an Act for the Welfare of Current and Future Generations of the Balearic Islands will be explained. It will be informative clarifying the reasons for and content of the Act and will take place on Tuesday 15 March in the GOB offices (Moli del Rei, Cami des Castell, 53, Maó) at 8 pm.

The Iniciativas Legislativas Populares (ILP) is a mechanism for direct democracy: the public present initiatives without the mediation of any political group. These proposals need to be supported in the Balearics by a minimum of 7,500 signatures of people over 16 years old.

The purpose of the required law is to ensure that the activities of public institutions in the Balearics guarantee the ecological, economic and social welfare of current and future generations. Such welfare will be made possible only if public and private organisations realise how their activities affect future generations. The law defines the objectives of welfare as the collective social prosperity, resilience, health, equality, social cohesion, culture and responsibility – meaning the need to take care of and be responsible for the impact of our own actions on the rest of the planet, aiming for a positive contribution to global welfare.

The proposed law is for Parliament to nominate a Commission for the Welfare of Past and Future Generations of the Balearic Islands, to be composed of experts in the following fields: education; investigation and innovation; agro ecology and biodiversity; mitigation of and adaptation to the climate crisis; social justice; an economic model; urbanisation; land and resources; equality and gender politics; immigration; culture; childhood and youth; public health. The purpose of the commission is to ensure the welfare of current and future generations of the Balearic Islands. Specifically, it is to help the legislators and public administrators to respect and advance the objectives of intergenerational welfare in terms defined by law.

By the moment, it is now possible to sign this initiative in the GOB offices in Maó (Camí des Castell 53) on Mondays to Fridays from 9 – 14 h and on Mondays and Thursdays from 17.30 to 20.00 hours. It is hoped to have more places to be able to collect signatures.