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The growing of healthy fruit without using toxic products is increasing little by little in Menorca. Two orchards in the Cala en Porter ravine are involved in the ecological production of fruit and are being incorporated into the network of farms that are promoted by GOB in the Land Stewardship Scheme.
This concerns two properties that have changed ownership and management. One is the Matadones Orchard (a name derived from when women went to fetch water along a difficult path leading to a poorly accessible fountain). The other one is called Hort Nombre Tres, further down the ravine. These are landscapes of high scenic value and provide good protection from the north wind. Pioneering initiatives, at a Balearic level, are carried out in these orchards to produce fruit without using pesticides.
Natural control of pests requires a good knowledge of the local biodiversity in order to keep a balance between pests and potential predators. This knowledge was happily passed on from a previous manager of one of the orchards to its successor and will now be extended to the other property.
The orchards are beginning to be planted with varieties that benefit from the addition of free-range hens that not only provide eggs but also regenerate the soil fertility.
GOB will give help and training for these activities and for promoting the economic viability of the products that actively help in conserving the environmental values of the island. Welcome to the Land Stewardship Scheme.