Course of excursions in Autumn

A new course of excursions: Autumn in Menorca

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GOB Menorca is organizing a new cycle of excursions with talks. It is an environmental training course that has been thought out for people who enjoy contact with nature. It is oriented to give a general view of Menorca’s nature and is centred on autumn: of the countryside, geology, plants, mushrooms and animals.

Autumn in Menorca is called winter’s spring. It is after the dry season that nature revives and the island becomes green, the fruits mature and the mushrooms come out…It is an ideal season for enjoying making excursions and contemplating the marvels of nature.

Many people go along the Camí de Cavalls and other paths in Menorca, but do not have sufficient knowledge for appreciating the huge diversity of rocks, plants and mushrooms that we can find on the island. To know and understand the values of nature that we will learn on the excursions considerably enrich the experience and promote favourable attitudes towards the natural environment. Moreover, tourist guides need to augment their knowledge of nature. With this workshop, we hope to give the opportunity to all these people to acquire basic knowledge or update what they already know on the animals, flowers and geology of Menorca and how they are interrelated. In addition, it will explain how to facilitate tools in order to increase their use and keep them up to date.

The workshop is structured with theoretical explanations on Friday evenings and then four practical excursions on the following Saturday mornings. They will take place on 8 and 9, 15 and 16, 22 and 23, 29 and 30 of November. More detailed information is found on the attachment. The cost is 80 euros (or 40 euros for members and it is necessary to register by email to or by telephone to 971 35 07 62.

The course is made possible with the support of the Consell Insular of Menorca and the Menorca Reserve of the Biosphere Agency.

Here you can see the program (in Catalan).