Release of orphaned owls breeded by GOB's Animals Hospital

Come to the GOB Menorca conference

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GOB Menorca is convening a conference for its members, which will take place on Saturday 19 October. The purpose is to debate a series of questions, with more time than is usually available at meetings, and lay down future lines of action. We encourage all members to participate and enrich the debate with their contributions.

The conference will last all of Saturday, following the accompanying programme at the end of this notice. Four different papers, which different teams of people have been developing, will be presented. The themes are:

GOB Menorca and economic activities: the discussion will be in what way GOB can help so that companies can become increasingly more ecologically sustainable, following the procedures set up by social and circular economies. How to encourage responsible consumption between people with a commitment that is both socially and environmentally beneficial to companies.

Responses to the widespread pressure on natural spaces: A particular problem seen in the last few years is the impact on natural spaces by the increasing intensity of use by people. Each time more outdoor leisure activities are developed, they are frequently insufficiently caring of the environment. We will seek to focus on this problem and define the type of proposals GOB should follow in order to make the enjoyment of nature compatible with its conservation.

New ways to finance environmental projects: it is necessary to make available sufficient financial resources in order to put forward projects that benefit the environment. We will explore the possible ways of financing to make these types of projects viable.

GOB Menorca and communication: our association carries out many proposals for projects that benefit the environment and society. We will discuss ways of communicating to the public our point of view so that there is a constructive dialogue that improves making human activities compatible with the conservation of nature.

All members are entitled to attend the conference. Please register either by email or by phone 971 350 762. The conclusions approved at the conference will inform the activities of GOB in the following year, so we hope to have a good attendance in order to have debates enriched by many points of view.