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On Thursday 10 February three innovative energy projects will be the subjects of the second round table discussions on initiatives that are eligible for European Next Generation aid. The meeting will be at 20.00 hours in the Ateneo de Mahon. You can also follow it by canalyoutube .
The projects will be explained by people associated with energy ideas then debated with the attending public. The projects are Bioethanol with Joan Sanchez and Alexander Pacar, Decarbonisation, explained by the Island Director of the Reserve of the Biosphere, Irene Estaún and Energy Autonomy with Enric Picanyol.
The energy model affects nearly all parts of our life. We should have affordable energy that is environmentally friendly as an essential resource for everyone as well as having a sustainable economy. We live in a time of transition for an energy model forced upon us by the exhaustion and dire effects of fossil fuels. Renewable energy and progress in saving and efficient consumption are a challenge giving a great opportunity to lower the dependency of Menorca on the outside world, to strengthen the local economy, create jobs and reduce pollution that affects both health and the environment.
The cycle of round table talks is organised by the Ateneo of Maó and GOB with the support of the Menorca Preservation Fund. It focusses on presenting and discussing projects that aim for aid from the European Next Generation. The next sessions will be on Thursdays, 10, 17 and 24 February and 3 March.