Family Workshops at the Wild Life Recuperation Centre

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This Thursday, 26 August, from 18.30 we are continuing with activities for all the family at the Centre for Recuperation of Wild Animals. This time we will concentrate on how to discover what birds eat and analyse the uneaten parts that they cannot digest.  You can paint T-shirts, if you wear them, here. You can visit the Centre from Mondays to Saturdays from 18.00 hours.

Birds do not have teeth. The birds that are hunters, eating animals, often send their prey whole or in large chunks to the part of the digestive tract we call the gizzard, where it is minced up. Only the most digestible parts are swallowed and go to the stomach. The rest, that can be bones, hair and feathers, are dispatched through the mouth in the form of pellets. By analysing the remains, we can find the pellets and so know what the bird has eaten. This detective work is fun and we will be able to do it this on Thursday, through playing games.

Remember that you can also visit the Recuperation centre from Mondays to Saturdays from 18.00 hours. The visit to the hospital is integrated with a visit to the Lithica Quarries. The entrance fee includes a guided visit to the Recuperation Centre. The entrance costs are: up to 12 year olds go free, people over 65 pay 4 euros, others pay 8 euros. There is a discount for residents: up to 12 year olds, free, people over 65 pay 3 euros, and the others pay 6 euros. The entrance to the Quarries is on Camí Vell de Ciutadella, km1.

By visiting us, you help make our work better. We look forward to seeing you.