GOB will take part in the Show by Organisations

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This Saturday in Es Castell, GOB will take part in a show given by Organisations of Menorca. It will be a festive morning in which representations of the Island’s organisations will have workshops and activities related to their purposes. The aim, through fun, is to highlight the importance of the work of the association fabric of the island and to invite everyone to join in.

The exhibition is organised by the Forum of the Third Sector Associations of Menorca (Fòrum ETS Menorca) currently formed by 49 associations from very different fields, which, between them, channel the needs and concerns of Menorcan society. There will be 22 represented in Es Castell, each one having prepared an activity: workshops, activities, games, visits, discovery tours…

For example, the Friends of the Port of Mahon will make free guided tours of the new heritage maritime interpretation centre, Thalassa. Plastic Free will raise awareness of the problems of plastics. SOM will have walks to learn about the birds of Es Castell; the Red Cross will demonstrate its vehicles; Caritas will have a workshop on making carpets and another on grafting fruit trees. There will be on stage performances, dancing, story telling.

The morning will finish with popular food made by Fray Roger and the Caritas School Ca n’Aguedet. You can make a reservation by email to  forumetsmenorca@gmail.com . The cost is only 3 euros but bring a plate and cutlery.

GOB, together with Food Justice, will propose games on eating healthy and environmentally sustainable food important as much for the people as for the environment.

Associations that form the Forum of the Third Sector Menorca:

Acirkaos, Agrupació Musical de Ciutadella, ALBA, Amics de la Mar de Menorca, Amics de la Mar Port de Maó, APAEM Associació de Productors Ecològics de Menorca, Art en Moviment, Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, Associació Cultura Activa, Associació d’Educació d’Adults de Menorca, Associació de Veïns des Castell, Associació de Vesines des Mercadal, Associació Educativa Activa, Associació Històrica del Futbol Menorquí, Ateneu de Maó, Càritas Diocesana de Menorca, Centre d’Estudis Locals, Cercle Artístic Ciutadella, Ciutadella Antiga, Cooperativa de Consum San Crispín, Creu Roja, Entre Pobles, Es Músics, Escoltes de Menorca, FAM Formiga Arts Marcials, FAPMA Federació d’Associacions de Pares i Mares d’Alumnes de Menorca, Federació de Persones Majors de Menorca, Federació d’Associacions de Veïns de Menorca, Federació Menorquina de Grups Folklòrics, Festival de Cinema de Menorca, Fra Roger, GOB Menorca, Grup Filatèlic i Numismàtic de Ciutadella, Grup Folklòric Sant Isidre, Junts as Pla Associació Cultural, Justícia Alimentària, Lithica Pedreres de s’Hostal, Menorca Preservation Fund, Menorca Lab, ONCE, Per la Mar Viva, Potala Hospice, Protectora d’Animals Ciutadella, Protectora d’Animals Maó, S’Espai de Circ, Sa Cooperativa del Camps de Menorca , Som Energia, SOM Societat Ornitològica de Menorca, Trebalúger Equine Rescue Centre.

We invite you to have an entertaining and stimulating morning with us.