A few days left to register on the course about plants

Just a few days left to register on the course about plants

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There is a little time left before closing the list for the course to learn about the plants of Menorca. There will be excursions and theory talks during March.

The course is aimed at people who have a curiosity in plants and for students, teachers, and instructors with free time, tourist guides and so on. The flowers of Menorca with some 1,400 different species, is very varied and they grow profusely. This course aims to be an experience and initiation into this fascinating world. Recognise the plants, the different areas in which they live, the adaptations which they make, their usefulness, etc. Special attention will be made for the especially attractive groups such as the orchids, as well as the endemic and edible plants.

The course will be in Catalan language and will take place over four weekends: 4/5 March, 10/11 March, 17/18 March and 24/25 March. There will be theory sessions on Friday evenings followed by the Saturday morning excursion to the varied environments found in Menorca. It is necessary to register, as places are limited, and it will be first come first served. For further information and registration, please ring 971 350 762 or send an email to administracio@gobmenorca.com

The course will be based at the Molí del Rei, the GOB centre at 53 Cami des Castell, on Friday evenings between 6 and 8 pm Mahon and the practical excursions on the Saturdays between 9 and 13.00.

The cost for members of GOB will be 40 euros and for non-members it will be 75 euros.

The course will be directed by the botanist Tofol Mascaró