Land Stewardship Scheme , exhibition at Fornells

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The distinctive features of the Land Stewardship Scheme can be seen in the exhibition now open at the Sant Antoni Fort in Fornells from Monday 1 to Sunday 7 August.

“Custodia Agraria, alimentación y territorio para el siglo XXI” (“Land Stewardship, food and land for the 21st Century”) shows the activities undertaken by this initiative which combines agriculture with the environment. You can visit it each evening from 19h to 23h.

The Menorcan landscape is like a mosaic and the values it incorporates, the investment put into it by the farms that are part of the scheme, the training and advice or promotion of the products can all be seen with explanatory notices and videos.

There are also social implications, with volunteers who help the farm workers, the environmental education work and the social and institutional recognition that are in favour of this responsible management of the land.

We are confronted with new realities, using less fossil fuels and chemical fertilisers, with the climate change that is already felt so intensely and with a loss of biodiversity in the wild that we must reverse.

The Land Stewardship Scheme seeks to answer these challenges, with a mode of working together with the producers and the consumers, searching for the best way out, a way that allows the participation of many people.

Make the most of this occasion and go to Fornells when the sun is going down. See the exhibition in the XVII Century Castle that was the origin of the current town.