A bee-eater with a wounded wing

Learning how to look after the wild animals

Views: 222

Recently, the volunteers at the Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals have had the opportunity of some training on the handling of wild animals and giving them first aid when injured by accidents. Thanks to the commitment and dedicated altruism of many people, last year in 2016, the Centre marked a historical record by attending to more than 1000 animals.

Both the commitment of volunteers and the economic help given to the Recuperation Centre are vital for its viability.

The training days consist in knowing what the protocols for action are when an animal is found hurt, the basic first aid which can be given and the measures to be taken for transporting and handling. It was also a good occasion for uniting volunteers who work weekly at the Centre, to create a good atmosphere of friendship within the group and share the joy of knowing that they each help to save lives.

Thank you volunteers!

You too can help maintain the Centre by sponsoring a square metre of the Recuperation Centre.

Here you can find the 2016 annual report of the Centre (in Catalan).