Eurasian stone-curlew

Solar Parks and Biodiversity shelters

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Solar parks planned for rural areas of Menorca should always comply with criteria for reverting to the original environment and have the ability to act as safe places for wild animals. The steps taken so far by GOB with different promoters have given positive results on all these points.

As a result of previous talks various measures have been incorporated into the drafting of the projects. These include: not levelling the ground; nor pouring extra materials on the soil; avoiding as much as possible the use of cement; respecting the vegetation of old sites; reducing the effects on the landscape by keeping the panel heights to a minimum; maintaining the stone walls; incorporating the promise to dismantle all the installations at the end of their useful life and other similar measures. Other improvements were added after the plans were made available for public scrutiny.

The solar parks are destined for quiet areas, where few people go, and will attract wild animals. With the idea of being able to foster this function, it has been agreed: to make water points suitable for wild animals; to encourage making areas for flowers that will attract pollinators; and to sow grain for animal foods late creating safe breeding areas. Herbicides will not be used and vegetation will be kept down by cattle and sheep or mechanically.

As well as the positive contribution of renewable energy (reducing the dependence on fossil fuel and eliminating pollution), these types of installations can become areas especially attractive to wild animals.

GOB is confident that all the solar park projects approved for rural areas will be adapted to these measures combining the change to clean energy with the incorporation of environmental benefits.