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Have we improved the quality of life? What are we not keen to give up? Do we have enough sense of community to deal with common projects? What new products can we create? Do we have the same relationship with the island as previous generations? What about tourism…how do we like it? Are we more worried than before about the environment and, if so, why?
This year, 2020, has given us cause to reflect. The situation that we are living in as a species poses many economic, environmental and social questions… The weaknesses of previous ways of thinking have become evident and we turn to the young to learn what sort of island we want: we need to talk about it.
Estiu 0 pel medi ambient is a project that seeks to encourage a dialogue on the concepts of ecology and sustainability as answers to obsolete models of behaviour. There is now a generation that requires a balance between human activities, the environment and social welfare: goals need to be set for immediate action.
In consideration of this context requiring more sustainability, we have prepared a series of activities and debates with the aim of listening to the worries, the priorities and proposals of people living in Menorca who are aware of these issues.
The object is to encourage an eco-social debate, taking part in making a diagnosis of the current situation of the economy and Menorcan society. The problems, both old and new ones, and the worries of those living in Menorca.
Every August Wednesday at 8.00 pm, we will be on the roof terrace of the Molí del Rei (the headquarters of GOB in Mahon) with a subject and some proposals for the debate. We will be there with some of the questions that worry us about the future of Menorca.
The capacity will be limited to 30 people to enable social distancing but it will be possible to participate by Zoom, or follow it on YouTube, by following the links that can be found on our social media before each session.
Each day will be accompanied by live music, dramatic or artistic activity, looking for other ways of expression for Menorca’s young. The sessions will also have a small tasting of agricultural products from the Land Stewardship Scheme.
This project is made possible thanks to the Fons Menorquí de Cooperació (Menorcan Foundation of Cooperation) and its proposal of “Microprojects to construct a better world post Covid-19”. Different volunteers have also made this event possible with their technical knowledge. We would also like to thank the participation of the different guest artists.
This year has put in doubt many dynamics that were already obsolete on a global scale and that require a definitive change. In Menorca with its overdependence on a productive sector, and an obviously unsustainable economy, we need the space to share thoughts and strategies. We have to face up to this uncertainty.
We will meet for the first time on Wednesday 5 August, on the roof terrace of the Molí as well as by Zoom or YouTube.