Naveta in Rafal Rubí

Sunday 14 May, excursion to the navetas of Rafal Rubí

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The two magnificent funerary navetas of Rafal Rubí will be the destination of the excursion by foot which has been organised for next Sunday, 14 May.

The itinerary will go along an old route which is normally closed to the public and for which authorisation had to be obtained for this walk. It is not necessary to put your name down beforehand.

People interested should meet at 9.30 am at Binixica, at the entrance to the Binicalaf road (see map). It will leave at 10 am and will be of low difficulty. There will be a bus to return to the beginning (3 euros). The return is estimated to be at 13.30.

Meeting point at Binixica
Meeting point at Binixica

People coming from Ciutadella and would like to share a vehicle, can meet at 8.30 at the municipal swimming pool car park.

We take this advantage of letting you know that some days before hand, there will be a talk. It will deal with the rituals of death then and now, and will be given by María José León Moll and Jaume Mascaró. It will be on Friday 12th at 8 pm in the headquarters of Institut Menorquí d’Estudis in Mahon.

The cycle of Som talaiòics? Viure a Menorca abans i ara (Are we talayotics? Living in Menorca then and now) is a programme organised with the Department of Culture of the Consell Insular of Menorca together with GOB.