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This is a day for meeting people, for relaxation and fun. It is for all those people who work and help with the different GOB projects and anyone else who would like to join. There will be lots of activities: games for children, an outdoor excursion, and a pudding competition among other events!
About food: we will repeat the now traditional experience when each person brings something towards the communal paella, some drink and/or some pudding. If you wish to enter the pudding competition, it offers three categories – taste, presentation and tradition.
This year, the location will be different and will be in the Refugi de Biniati Vell, which is between Llucmaçanes and the airport (attached is a plan explaining how to get there). It will start at 11.30 am and is expected to go on until the middle of the afternoon.
Furthermore, for those that attend, they will be given a number for a raffle of meat to promote buying direct from the farmers. This ensures responsible farming and implies a more reasonable price to the consumer and is economically fairer for the producer.
To finish the day there is sure to be music and singing.
The cost will be 3 euros per person over the age of 12. To allow us to know how many people will be going, please let us know before Thursday 12 May. This can be done either by telephone 971 350 762 or by email giving your name and a contact telephone number.
How to get there: