Tag Archives: Flora

Participation on bio indicator monitoring in Land Stewardship Scheme

Views: 195

Spring has arrived and with it, the monitoring of bio indicators on farms signed up to the Land Stewardship Scheme. The object of this exercise is to demonstrate, through voluntary participation, the positive relationship between the practice of sustainable farms and biodiversity. We are looking for people who would like to help. Continue reading Participation on bio indicator monitoring in Land Stewardship Scheme

Workshop on the influence of the moon on the plants

Views: 230

We have organized a new workshop at Es Viver (GOB’s garden centre) for Saturday 14 November morning, on the influence of the moon on plants. Historically, the phases of the moon have regulated the times for different works to be done in the countryside. This workshop will explain the aspects that should be kept in mind if we wish to follow these practices. Continue reading Workshop on the influence of the moon on the plants

Sunday 8 November, excursion to learn about the plants on the hillside of S’Ermità

Views: 281

Next Sunday, 8 November, the botanical group of GOB and IME (Institut Menorquí d’Estudis) have organized a public expedition to learn about plants that grow on the hillside of s’Ermità. Departure will be at 9.00 am and it is expected to finish about 13.30 hours. It is open to everyone and is free, but it is necessary to book, owing to the requirements for COVID. Details of the meeting place will be given once the booking has been made. Continue reading Sunday 8 November, excursion to learn about the plants on the hillside of S’Ermità

Rivers that have lost all life

Views: 456

GOB has sent a written protest to the Minister of the Environment of the Balearic Government concerning the way in which work is being carried out to ensure the circulation of water along the riverbeds of Menorca. To the enormous destruction of biodiversity must be added a very large loss of fertile land, achieved in direct contravention of current regulations. Continue reading Rivers that have lost all life

Biodiversity: environmental richness linked to the Land Stewardship Scheme

Views: 198

There are plants and animals that react rapidly to changes in land management. The agreements that GOB has made with the farms that have signed up to the Land Stewardship Scheme include tracing, twice a year, wildlife indicators for evaluating the good health of the land environment. This is the time for starting analysis of the springtime work done in the fields. Continue reading Biodiversity: environmental richness linked to the Land Stewardship Scheme

Voluntary work on bioindicators: knowing and helping nature

Views: 192

Autumn is starting and GOB has much pleasure in continuing to offer activities that enrich the voluntary work for those helping to conserve the environmental values of Menorca. It is now a year since a new scheme was initiated to analyse the impact of measures taken in accordance with the Land Stewardship Scheme by the farms that have signed the agreement. Continue reading Voluntary work on bioindicators: knowing and helping nature