Participation on bio indicator monitoring in Land Stewardship Scheme

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Spring has arrived and with it, the monitoring of bio indicators on farms signed up to the Land Stewardship Scheme. The object of this exercise is to demonstrate, through voluntary participation, the positive relationship between the practice of sustainable farms and biodiversity. We are looking for people who would like to help.

This study pays attention to the findings of various biological study groups. They make inventories of butterflies, an easily identifiable insect because of its colouring and sensitivity to environmental changes. Others study the vegetation between the crops, which indicate the strength of the pasture or to what extent the land has suffered. Finally, we observe the activities of the coprophagy, formed by invertebrates that live in and eat cattle faeces, relating their activity to the wellbeing of animals and the contribution of organic matter in the soil.

It is not necessary to know much botany or zoology as the monitoring will include training beforehand and guidance during the start of the visits. There will be, also, a simple guide and the work instructions will be clear and straightforward. All that is required is to have some free mornings between the 10 and 23 of May and know how to work applying systematic and constant criteria.

The training will consist of a small theory session and a practical one:

  • Theory session – We offer two options but please register for only one

Wednesday 28 April, face to face 7 pm to 8.30 pm or Thursday 29 on line 11.00 am to 12.30 pm.

  • Practical session in the country: Saturday 1 May from 9 am to 1.30 pm.

This is a good opportunity to improve our knowledge of the reality of the Menorcan countryside, to visit farms and have contact with nature.

People interested in participating should send an email to or telephone 971 350 762 or go to the GOB offices from 9 am to 2 pm in Camí des Castell, 53, Maó