A new course on the environment for hikers

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GOB is organizing a course on the environment to learn how to look at and discover details on our walks. This is designed for people who enjoy contact with nature and is orientated to give a general view of the natural values of Menorca and get close to them while respecting the need to preserve them. We want to transmit good practices and knowledge on plants, animals, mushrooms, geology…

Autumn in Menorca is often called the winter spring. It is when, after the dry season, nature revives and the island turns green, the fruits mature and the mushrooms appear… It is an ideal time to enjoy hiking and contemplating the marvels that nature offers us.

To know and understand the natural values that we are going to discover will considerably enrich our experience and will promote positive attitudes towards respecting the natural environments that we visit. Many people go along the Camí de Cavalls and other Menorcan paths, but miss having sufficient knowledge to appreciate the huge diversity of rocks, plants and animals that are found on the island. With this course, we want to give everyone an opportunity to gain basic knowledge or update what he or she knows on the animals, flowers and geology of Menorca and their interrelationship.

The course will be structured by four practical excursions on Saturday mornings complementing the four theory sessions on Friday evenings. It will take place on 22, 23, 29 and 30 October, 5, 6, 12 and 13 November. Detailed information can be found here. To attend it is necessary to book. The total cost is 90 euros (50 euros for members) and to subscribe send an email to administracio@gobmenorca.com. Places are limited and the course will scrupulously observe Covid regulations.

This activity is supported by the Consell Insular of Menorca and the Menorca Biosphere Agency.