Friday 24 September: song for the climate

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In relation to the international conference on climate change, Menorca has organised an event for people to participate in singing and in the reading of a manifesto. This will be on Friday 24 September at 19.00 in the patio area at the back of Sant Francesc in Mahon with the music of Bella Ciao, with lyrics adapted for the Island.

The Menorca Climate Change Programme decided to organise this activity under the title “The Planet and Menorca let us say enough!” Enough of atmospheric pollution from greenhouse gases that are warming the planet; enough of contamination of the sea from plastics; enough of the depletion of natural resources; enough of energy waste.

The scientists assure us that there are fewer than 10 years left for avoiding the point of no return. In November, in Glasgow, Scotland, COP26 will take place in order to define, in concrete terms, the Paris Agreement in which nearly all countries of the world pledged to avoid the temperature of the planet rising more than 1.5 degrees. This time things must be done correctly. This is the last chance.

We have the diagnosis and we know the solutions. We have to act now.

Menorca must join the struggle for sustainability. We must apply, at a local level, solutions that should help global change. We still have many challenges to resolve. Our reserves of drinking water are at their limit; we have an imperative to revise the capacity for the number of tourists entering the island, and to take measures not to exceed that capacity.

This Friday, in Mahon, we will sing Bella Ciao, in the version adapted for the island, to demand urgent action. It is recommended to sign up in advance on the web of the Plataforma Menorca pel Clima where you will also find the lyrics.