Thursday 4 February. An informative talk and debate on the PTI

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The new Island Territorial Planning, its principles, both the positive and most problematic ones, will be analysed on Thursday at 16.30 in a talk given by GOB on Zoom. It will be followed by a debate between all those connected.

The PTI is a strategy for defining the territorial model of Menorca. It has now been revised and is open to the public for scrutiny until the middle of March, during which time it is possible to make allegations on those issues that are deemed to need improvement.

GOB is carrying out an analysis of the different documents and considers it opportune to share their thoughts by means of public talks followed by a debate so that those interested people can know the principle contents and judge them together.

In this way, it can be seen what regulations are included in the new text for renewable energy, for the conditions for agrotourism and rural hotels, the forecast for increased urbanisation, the regulations for rental housing for tourism, the construction of new farm buildings, the possible future for rural areas… In addition, possible parking areas can be considered, as well as tourist attractions and country restaurants, the requirements for clean energy and water consumption for new buildings.

The 45 working days for public scrutiny of the new PTI give an opportunity to know what is destined for Menorca for the next 10 or 15 years. In addition, it is an opportunity to know how the public can take action to improve the text.

Initially it was hoped to make face-to-face meetings in different towns but because of the pandemic, the conversations will be virtual. They will be done by Zoom and will be free of charge. The session may not be recorded.

In order to connect to the meeting, simply click on the link and when requested by the program, enter the access code or password. The link for connecting to the talk for this Thursday 4, at 6.30 pm is:

Meeting identification 897 3955 5617

Access code: 636871