First walk “in-SOS-tenible” (unsustainable) against nautical overcrowding

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In Menorca there is a project to double the sea area for doubling the Addaia sport Marina. There is also a plan to build dry marinas, for boats, in Cala Molí, Cala en Busquets, and Ciutadella. It is also planned to fill up the Cala Figuera area in Maó with boats.

It is also anticipated the increase the parking and ramps, so that more boats can get to the sea, in the Ciutadella Colàrsega; at the entrance to Fornells; at Es Grau; in Cala Teulera in Maó; in Sant Tomàs…

We have an island increasingly saturated with boats during the summer season; we have a study marking a limit on the nautical capacity for the island; we have official data that show that for some years we have been exceeding this limit; but we continue to maintain the notion that we can make a huge number of changes to the territory in order to increase the number of boats.

If we continue in this way, we should not be surprised by overcrowding, that Menorca loses the image of being well conserved and that the fields of posidonia are gradually degrading beyond recovery.

This was one of the specific messages of the Manifesto that was read out on Sunday 25 September, in the first part of the campaign of La Menorca In-SOS-tenible (the unsustainable Menorca) that is taking place during this autumn and winter.

Despite the severe storm that took place during the previous night and the road going to Arenal d´en Castell was cut off from the west to Alaior, there was still a courageous group of about 150 people. They took part on this first walk, where there was no shortage of suitable clothing, with a great deal of will to change the overcrowding dynamic that Menorca is now experiencing.

Please note for your diaries the date of the next walk: 23 October which will be centred on the over exploitation of the aquifers.

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The manifesto can be read in Catalan.