This Saturday, GOB will be at the Mostra d’Entitats of Menorca

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Next Saturday, 15 October, between 10 and 14.00 h, GOB will be at the Mostra d’Entitats – Organisations of Menorca Show – that will take place in the Pla de sa Creu in Sant Lluís. It will be a morning of fun with activities for children and adults, organised by entities attached to the ETS Forum Menorca (not for profit organisations): dancing, music, batucada (a type of samba), exchange workshop, games, recycling plastics workshop… It will be the seventh Mostra d’Entitats. The ETS Forum of Menorca is seeking to increase its numbers creating a larger network of collaborating entities and, at the same time, give publicity to each one making the public more aware of the work they do.

Participating will be organisations like Alba, Amics de la Mar (Friends of the Sea), Art en Moviment, Associació Històrica del Futbol Menorquí, Caritas, Cruz Roja, Escoltes de Menorca, Es Rebost such as FEMEFOLK, Justicia Alimentaria, Mendó Batucada, Menorca Preservation project of Plastic Free, Per la Mar Viva, Equine Rescue Refuge, SOM Energia… and GOB.

If you do not know what makes our island tick, then you must not miss this event!

The Organisations and associations of Menorca take to the street so that you can learn about their activities during a fun day full of surprises.

We look forward to seeing you!