Annual General Meeting looking towards the future

Views: 222

With a rate of growth of more than one new member a week, GOB Menorca has reached a membership of 1449 this year. This social body guarantees us total independence when we are placed in front of the island’s environmental problems and present proposals for solving them. This is one of the conclusions of the Annual General Meeting that took place on 21 December and where Carlos Coll was unanimously elected as the Island President for another two years. Continue reading Annual General Meeting looking towards the future

Hampers of Land Stewardship Scheme products

Views: 181

For the Christmas Season we are selling gift baskets of local items, with the added value of being sustainably produced, going much further than our table. You can personalise the contents or choose one of the three options pictured above. They make a perfect choice for a healthy and natural gift that brings a closeness to friends, family or business. Continue reading Hampers of Land Stewardship Scheme products

Sustainable meat production for Christmas

Views: 233

It is nearly Christmas and the time for celebrations around a well stocked table.

Buying direct from farmers, or through minimal marketing channels, are some of the most sustainable ways that can best help the island. From the Land Stewardship Scheme we are able to facilitate the procedure by promoting farm meat that is committed to sustainable production. Continue reading Sustainable meat production for Christmas

To the Mayor and Councillors of Alaior Town Council

Views: 264

Dear Mayor and Councillors of Alaior Town Council

The refusal that you have accorded to those wishing to consult the dossiers for the Son Bou Hotels and the illegal swimming pools at the agro tourism hotel of Torre Vella has become very controversial. Recent statements made regarding these hotels require some clarification. Continue reading To the Mayor and Councillors of Alaior Town Council

Obscurantism grows regarding the Son Bou Hotels

Views: 246

The Alaior Town Council has granted a licence for the Son Bou Hotels, exactly during the period when they prevented GOB from consulting the file to know what documentation had been presented by the promoters. The criminal proceedings announced are already formalized in court. Within 48 hours all the finance required has been covered. Very many thanks to all the people who have contributed. Continue reading Obscurantism grows regarding the Son Bou Hotels

Cris Juanico supports the Wildlife Recuperation Centre

Views: 278

Cris Juanico, the Menorcan singer, recently participated in the liberation of an Egyptian vulture that had been injured and cared for at the Recuperation Centre. Firefighters had to rescue this young and inexperienced vulture that was trapped at the top of a palm tree in Sa Bassa, near Sant Lluis. The help of everyone is very important for the success of the work of the Wildlife Recuperation Centre beginning with the people who tell us when they find an animal and by many other people who help us in many ways including the volunteers and the sponsors of individual resident animals. sponsor one of the resident animals. Continue reading Cris Juanico supports the Wildlife Recuperation Centre

Conscientious Ecology