Category Archives: News

First walk “in-SOS-tenible” (unsustainable) against nautical overcrowding

Views: 226

In Menorca there is a project to double the sea area for doubling the Addaia sport Marina. There is also a plan to build dry marinas, for boats, in Cala Molí, Cala en Busquets, and Ciutadella. It is also planned to fill up the Cala Figuera area in Maó with boats. Continue reading First walk “in-SOS-tenible” (unsustainable) against nautical overcrowding

Photography Competition: “La Menorca que estimam” The Menorca we love

Views: 262

We encourage everyone who enjoys photography to enter the competition organised by GOB Menorca with the intention of commemorating the 45th anniversary of the creation of the Menorcan section of the Balearic Islands GOB. With the motto La Menorca que Estimam (The Menorca we Love) the photographs will be considered by the judges for those that best transmit the conservation of Menorca’s natural values. Continue reading Photography Competition: “La Menorca que estimam” The Menorca we love