Category Archives: News

Family Activity: the colours of animals show different aspects

Views: 182

This Thursday, 22 July, at 18.30, we are continuing with family activities at the Centre for Recuperation of Wild Animals. Notice the difference in the animal colours: there are those with some very striking tones and others more discrete. What role does the appearance of animals play in their lives and survival? We will find out through games. Remember that masks are obligatory when you attend this activity. Continue reading Family Activity: the colours of animals show different aspects

Es Molí de Baix joins the Land Stewardship Scheme

Views: 258

Immense cliffs, Egyptian vultures flying above, shade from holm oaks, pines and irrigation ditches remind us of past times. We are entering a place of great ecological and cultural value, notable for its legends and history that hides Es Moli de Baix, a farm newly incorporated into the network of the Land Stewardship Scheme. Continue reading Es Molí de Baix joins the Land Stewardship Scheme

Thursday, family workshop at the Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals

Views: 225

This Thursday, 15 July, from 18.30 we are continuing with activities for all the family at the Centre for Recuperation of Wild Animals. This time we will concentrate on how to discover what birds eat and analyse the uneaten parts that they cannot digest.  You can paint T-shirts, if you wear them, here. You can visit the Centre from Mondays to Saturdays from 18.00 hours. Continue reading Thursday, family workshop at the Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals

Visit the Hospital for Wild Animals this summer

Views: 280

The Centre for the Recuperation of Wild Animals has been open to visits by the public since 1 July.  It is an opportunity to take advantage of being able to see the most symbolic animals of Menorcan wild life, to see their problems and how the hospital attempts to remedy them. It is open from Mondays to Saturday from 18.00 hours until sundown. As in other years, on Thursdays there will be workshops for all the family to connect with the animals at the Centre. Continue reading Visit the Hospital for Wild Animals this summer

Thursday 17 June discussion on today and tomorrow in the agricultural world

Views: 1659

The difficulties of the milk subsector; the obstacle of amitgeria (the traditional Menorcan deal between landlords and farmers); the costs and the time that the farmers need to invest in the bureaucracy; the opportunities of new markets; the effects of the arrival of new investors; the strategies for improving the cost effectiveness of agriculture; and other interesting aspects, will be discussed this Thursday at an event organized by GOB. Continue reading Thursday 17 June discussion on today and tomorrow in the agricultural world