Tag Archives: Education

Visit the Hospital for Wild Animals this summer

Views: 285

The Centre for the Recuperation of Wild Animals has been open to visits by the public since 1 July.  It is an opportunity to take advantage of being able to see the most symbolic animals of Menorcan wild life, to see their problems and how the hospital attempts to remedy them. It is open from Mondays to Saturday from 18.00 hours until sundown. As in other years, on Thursdays there will be workshops for all the family to connect with the animals at the Centre. Continue reading Visit the Hospital for Wild Animals this summer

Last week for visiting the Wildlife Recuperation Centre

Views: 252

The Recuperation Centre for Wildlife is open to visitors this summer until 12 September. Despite the strange summer that we are living through, the animal hospital has had a good number of visitors so that we have extended the weeks for visiting to more than had been originally organised. We are open from Mondays to Saturdays from 18.00 hours. Continue reading Last week for visiting the Wildlife Recuperation Centre

More schools signed up for the fight against plastic

Views: 440

At the beginning of March, the infants and primary school, Margalida Florit, signed up to the “Promise 2020 without Plastic” and so agreeing not to use any plastic tableware in the school that is for use only once.

The “Promise 2020 Without Plastic” is a campaign started by GOB in the middle of 2018 that aims to eliminate the maximum amount of expendable plastic and to use products made from more sustainable materials, throughout Menorca. Continue reading More schools signed up for the fight against plastic

La Salle d’Alaior adds its agreement to fiestas without plastics

Views: 219

The Salle d’Alaior school has signed an agreement with GOB promising not to use disposable plastic crockery and cutlery for its fiestas and celebrations. Currently, 8.7 million tons of plastics end up on our shores. This number is only 3% of the plastic waste we generate in the world each year and it is rising. Far from being biodegradable, this waste breaks down into smaller pieces entering the food chain through fish, other sea food and salt which we then consume. The latest study talks of 5 grams of plastic per person, the equivalent of a credit card, each week. Continue reading La Salle d’Alaior adds its agreement to fiestas without plastics

Forty Responsible Backpackers

Views: 205

A week of submersion in nature, in typically Menorcan countryside, forty backpackers arriving from all the villages of the island, boys and girls between 6 and 12 years old, eager for knowledge and with excitement for an adventure. These were the ingredients for those who were on summer camp this year in Mongofra Nou. It was a week full of activities, learning, friendships and adventures in living. Continue reading Forty Responsible Backpackers

An agreement to give the inclusion of wild animals in infant education

Views: 166

Activities on environmental education in infant schools in Menorca will benefit from an agreement signed by the Menorca Preservation Fund and GOB. This is sponsorship that will allow some free workshops about wild animals to be given to children between 1 and 5 years old. Schools in nearly all the towns have shown interest. Continue reading An agreement to give the inclusion of wild animals in infant education

Next Sunday learn about plants around Es Migjorn

Views: 139

Next Sunday, 18 November, we have organised an excursion, open to the public, to learn about plants from the Camí des Pou Vell. The walk will go around Es Migjorn, in an area of gardens, which has also, some ethnological interest. The so called Spring of the Winter is the time when many Menorcan plants and bushes fructify and the weeds carpet the countryside in green. Continue reading Next Sunday learn about plants around Es Migjorn