Tag Archives: Flora

Help us to get rid of invasive plants at Cap d’Artrutx

Views: 166

This Sunday, 12 May, we have organised a volunteer´s work day to get rid of invasive plants at Cap d’Artrutx (south of Ciutadella). We are inviting you to come and help us. In this area there is a number of species that have escaped from gardens and are threatening the autochthonous plants on the front line of the sea, some of which are endemic. Continue reading Help us to get rid of invasive plants at Cap d’Artrutx

Saturday workshop on garden pests and diseases

Views: 164

This Saturday, 30 March, at GOB’s Es Viver, we will have a practical workshop on how to prevent and treat, in an ecological way, the pests and diseases of the garden and kitchen garden. What are the principal treatments, how to prevent and apply them, in order to keep gardens healthy. The workshop is open to all, is free and no reservations are required. Continue reading Saturday workshop on garden pests and diseases

Next Sunday learn about plants around Es Migjorn

Views: 143

Next Sunday, 18 November, we have organised an excursion, open to the public, to learn about plants from the Camí des Pou Vell. The walk will go around Es Migjorn, in an area of gardens, which has also, some ethnological interest. The so called Spring of the Winter is the time when many Menorcan plants and bushes fructify and the weeds carpet the countryside in green. Continue reading Next Sunday learn about plants around Es Migjorn

Latest news from October

Views: 148

Due to holidays, notices over the last two weeks have not been published. Here is a resumé of some.

17 October Son Bou and the controversial hotels

Despite Melia Hotels having promised to demolish some of the higher levels of the hotels rather than modernising them, they have presented a project maintaining the same number of floors. If they get the licence it will not eliminate anything from the previous authorisation. Continue reading Latest news from October

Saturday 6 October, volunteer to get rid of invasive plants in Fornells

Views: 119

This Saturday, 6 October, at 10 am GOB is organizing a working day eliminating invasive plants in the Fornells area. For some time now gardening with exotic plants has given rise to some of the species colonising coastal places so becoming invasive. It is precisely here, along the coast, that they have threatened the endemic vegetation (species whose distribution becomes so reduced that they are sometimes the only ones left in the world) that grows on our island. These areas were little frequented before the tourist boom so that the coast acted as a refuge for some determined species that became highly adapted to the conditions of wind, salt and the scarcity of fresh water. Continue reading Saturday 6 October, volunteer to get rid of invasive plants in Fornells

Come to the Agricultural Fair in Ferreries

Views: 191

This Saturday, 8 July, Es Viver, the GOB garden centre, will be at the Ferreries Agricultural Fair in the Plaza España from 17.00 hours. We are hoping to be able to take part in the activities organised by APAEMA where there will be the sale of ecological products which are instigating the change towards sustainability. Continue reading Come to the Agricultural Fair in Ferreries