Category Archives: News

35 groups participate along the coastline in “Clean Up The Med”

Views: 248

A total of 35 groups in Menorca, with 273 people, came together in May for the European Days of “Clean Up The Med”. The goal was to find and collect microplastics, which are so difficult to single out. Even so, some groups collected more than 46 kg of waste that was found in their adopted section with a total of 245 kg jointly in one day. Continue reading 35 groups participate along the coastline in “Clean Up The Med”

Agriculture that embraces biodiversity

Views: 234

Thursday, 20 May, was World Bee Day. The purpose of this international day is for acknowledging that bees and pollinators in general, are fundamental to our survival and that we are not taking care of them. As a result, half the number of insect species has fallen alarmingly and a third is already considered in danger of extinction. Continue reading Agriculture that embraces biodiversity

Like Tirant sands

Views: 261

The approval of the Law of the Coast on 1988 (Ley de Costas) defined which areas of the shore would be a public domain. That is to say, public property, in this case, administered by the State. Within this definition are included the sand and the dune systems. In Menorca, the law saved some iconic areas that were seriously threatened by the extraction of sand for construction works. Continue reading Like Tirant sands

Saturday 22 May, a new workshop at Es Viver the GOB garden centre

Views: 202

This Saturday, 22 May, a new workshop has been organized at the GOB garden centre, Es Viver. It is on how to prevent and treat pests and diseases in the garden naturally. Preventing and maintaining the gardens free of these problems is perfectly possible without the need of using chemical products that reduce the quality of the crops and the environmental balance of the garden. Continue reading Saturday 22 May, a new workshop at Es Viver the GOB garden centre

A New Generation of farmers with the Land Stewardship Scheme

Views: 427

Between L’Agentina and Alcaidús there are 68 hectares of land managed by a young farmer full of hopes and dreams. Torralba d’en Salord has entered the Land Stewardship Scheme. This farm is run mainly for stock watered by rain, and its principal activity is for pasturing animals and sowing oats, both indigenous varieties of Menorca. With the intention of respecting the rhythm of the soil, the place is divided into two areas, one for grazing and one for sowing cereals, by rotation. Sowing legumes is one of the objectives, intended to be achieved soon, in order to improve the fertility of the soil. Continue reading A New Generation of farmers with the Land Stewardship Scheme

Energy and Water for New Buildings

Views: 268

Recently, there has been some controversy, reported in the Menorcan press, concerning requirements for energy efficiency and water consumption in new buildings. The issue began with a memo from the College of Architects and the discussion continued at a meeting of the Mayors with the Island Council however, the information released by the press seems to be more of a complaint than a solution to the proposals. Continue reading Energy and Water for New Buildings

Participation on bio indicator monitoring in Land Stewardship Scheme

Views: 190

Spring has arrived and with it, the monitoring of bio indicators on farms signed up to the Land Stewardship Scheme. The object of this exercise is to demonstrate, through voluntary participation, the positive relationship between the practice of sustainable farms and biodiversity. We are looking for people who would like to help. Continue reading Participation on bio indicator monitoring in Land Stewardship Scheme