Tag Archives: Activities

Thursday 19, how does the Hospital for Wild Animals work?

Views: 107

This Thursday, 19 July, from 6 to 8 pm, you can enjoy one of the family workshops at the Hospital for Wild Animals. This time we aim to find out how the Centre for the Recuperation of Wild animals works, and above all, what things people can do themselves to help animals they find that are in danger. Continue reading Thursday 19, how does the Hospital for Wild Animals work?

You are invited to the Environmental Question Time

Views: 113

Following the postponement of this event in June, we are delighted to announce that it has now been rearranged for Thursday 12 July.
This is a ROQUETA readers’ event, and we have invited leading island experts including representatives from GOB, the Menorcan Preservation Fund, the Biosphere Agency from the Consell Insular de Menorca and a private individual well versed in environmental matters to join us on a panel and take pre-prepared questions from readers on the local Menorcan environment and its sustainability. After each question, we will invite those attending to ask supplementary ones from the floor. Continue reading You are invited to the Environmental Question Time

Video of a saved Red Kite

Views: 154

This is a video showing a red kite being released back into the wild. It had been brought in wounded to the Centre of Recuperation for Wild Animals. Red kites as a species are in danger of extinction but the heavy decline in numbers is now slowly recovering in Menorca. So, saving this bird was particularly important. Red kites are especially vulnerable to poisoning and electrocution from power lines. Continue reading Video of a saved Red Kite