Tag Archives: Fishing

26,000 people sent allegations made against the projected seismic prospecting in the Balearic Sea

Views: 217

26,000 people sent allegations to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation made against MedSalt for their latest project for seismic prospecting in the sea around the islands.

The combined efforts of the Aliança Mar Blava succeeded in achieving a huge public response so that, in just a month, a campaign was formed and signatures, mainly from the Balearic Islands, were collected.

Many associations, collectives, commercial and private individuals became heavily involved. Very noticeable were the tables set up in the streets for the platform of Menorca Diu No (Menorca Says No). It shows what can be achieved when people combine their efforts.

Thanks to appeals made by the legally registered associations pointing out various formal deficiencies in the application procedure for the project there is, consequently, a new opportunity for explaining the issues to the public and allow an increase in the number of people making the allegations against the project during the next few weeks.

We are promoting different initiatives to gain a moratorium on any new projects for seismic prospecting with guns using compressed air as well as exploring for hydrocarbons. In addition, the Central government in the Congress of Deputies is being pressed to stop vetoing the law for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea that stops projects of this style. This was approved unanimously in the Balearic Parliament.

Many thanks to everyone who has helped.




The Marine Reserve of the North requires changes

Views: 297

(This article was issued on 15 December 2017 but was not translated into English at that time.)

The organisations, Menorquins pel Territori (Menorcans for their Territory) and GOB continue to coordinate their efforts on marine subjects. Now they have asked for some changes in the management of the marine reserve to the north of the island where, because of the deterioration of sea life, it became evident that a study was needed. Continue reading The Marine Reserve of the North requires changes

Restore the potential of the Albufera des Grau

Views: 239

Sending purified water to the lagoon, avoiding the use of lead shot, being able to feed carrion birds or leaving a part of the marine area for fishing only with creel, are some of the proposals that GOB has given recently for a Plan to Restore the Use and Management (Pla Rector d’Ús i Gestió (PRUG)) of the Albufera des Grau natural park. It will be a means of processing the management of a better relationship between human activities and a protected area. Continue reading Restore the potential of the Albufera des Grau

Statistics show a shortage of monitoring the Marine Reserve

Views: 201

When the demonstration last January took place to demand greater protection of the Marine Reserve to the north of Menorca, it was then announced that GOB would be able to consult the records of fines levied in the last few years. It has been done. The records have been analysed showing what fines have been made during the last six years by different groups monitoring fishing. Continue reading Statistics show a shortage of monitoring the Marine Reserve

Progress on the coordination of greater vigilance of the Marine Reserve

Views: 176

Menorquins pel territori (Menorcans for the Island, a group of young Menorcans in Barcelona) and GOB have maintained meetings with the relevant public institutions to insist on the necessity of greater vigilance of illegal fishing of the Marine Reserve to the north of Menorca. There are good prospects in the short term. Continue reading Progress on the coordination of greater vigilance of the Marine Reserve