Tag Archives: Tourism

Up to our Necks

Views: 201

Menorca has the luck to be able to foresee, to a large extent, its possible future taking into account what is happening to its neighbouring islands. Mallorca and Ibiza started the metamorphosis, and have suffered the consequences of an unlimited growth in tourism much more than has Menorca. With examples so close by it is not difficult to want to intervene where we possibly can and stop what could happen if we do not take steps. Continue reading Up to our Necks

Saturday 10 June, evening excursion

Views: 176

An evening excursion has been organised to end this course of Talayotic walks. In order not to walk during the heat of the day, this June excursion has been programmed for the evening. We will go and look at the magnificent remains of Torre den Galmés, which has regular ongoing excavations, and an archaeologist will give explanations of the findings and interpretations and their current conclusions. Continue reading Saturday 10 June, evening excursion

Model Tourism

Views: 270

The questionnaire which the Consell Insular recently did on line about tourism in Menorca has had over 1 700 responses which will help us to reflect on where we are and where we are going.
Both the age range and the professions of the people who responded to the questionnaire are diverse. Although we cannot claim the responses to be completely representative of Minorcan society, various things stand out. Continue reading Model Tourism