Thursday 17 June discussion on today and tomorrow in the agricultural world

Views: 1658

The difficulties of the milk subsector; the obstacle of amitgeria (the traditional Menorcan deal between landlords and farmers); the costs and the time that the farmers need to invest in the bureaucracy; the opportunities of new markets; the effects of the arrival of new investors; the strategies for improving the cost effectiveness of agriculture; and other interesting aspects, will be discussed this Thursday at an event organized by GOB. Continue reading Thursday 17 June discussion on today and tomorrow in the agricultural world

35 groups participate along the coastline in “Clean Up The Med”

Views: 246

A total of 35 groups in Menorca, with 273 people, came together in May for the European Days of “Clean Up The Med”. The goal was to find and collect microplastics, which are so difficult to single out. Even so, some groups collected more than 46 kg of waste that was found in their adopted section with a total of 245 kg jointly in one day. Continue reading 35 groups participate along the coastline in “Clean Up The Med”

Agriculture that embraces biodiversity

Views: 231

Thursday, 20 May, was World Bee Day. The purpose of this international day is for acknowledging that bees and pollinators in general, are fundamental to our survival and that we are not taking care of them. As a result, half the number of insect species has fallen alarmingly and a third is already considered in danger of extinction. Continue reading Agriculture that embraces biodiversity

Conscientious Ecology