We cannot free marine turtles

Views: 280

If we find a marine turtle tangled up, we must not free it. We need to let 112 know. The turtles need to be disentangled by a vet to avoid complications, which can be very serious. Even if we see that it is in a distressing position, we must not do anything with it, because that could make it worse. It is very gratifying to know that many people have been concerned about the turtles they have found in a bad state and tried to help them by releasing them but it is not the correct way of going about it. These turtles may not survive because of later complications if they have not been checked by a specialist. What has to be done is to contact 112 and follow their instructions. Continue reading We cannot free marine turtles

Nearly 90% fewer disciplinary proceedings on fishing in 2019

Views: 218

Monitors for fishing produced fewer than 90% disciplinary proceedings in 2019 although fishing was normal before COVID19. GOB will ask to have meetings to find out the reasons for this spectacular decrease. The sum of the Guardia Civil, the two fishing inspectors and the three monitors of the Marine Reserve of the north of Menorca, produced only five open disciplinary proceedings. The number is surprising because in 2018 there were 40 and in 2017 there were 52. Continue reading Nearly 90% fewer disciplinary proceedings on fishing in 2019

Summer or on the environment: let us air problems, think up solutions

Views: 219

Have we improved the quality of life? What are we not keen to give up? Do we have enough sense of community to deal with common projects? What new products can we create? Do we have the same relationship with the island as previous generations? What about tourism…how do we like it? Are we more worried than before about the environment and, if so, why? Continue reading Summer or on the environment: let us air problems, think up solutions

Proposals for a Law concerning 21st Century Hotels

Views: 265

The Balearic Government recently approved a Decree-Law that incorporates some measures that appear to be policy errors. GOB has presented a completely new series of contributions as part of the process of public involvement, in order to improve the texts of the bill that are now being debated in Parliament. Continue reading Proposals for a Law concerning 21st Century Hotels

We ask that professional fishing for blue crabs is given an incentive

Views: 549

More and more blue crabs are being seen on the coast of Menorca. They are considered to be one of the most invasive species of the Mediterranean. We have asked the Ministry of the Environment of the Balearic Government to persuade the professional fishing industry to catch this species, as a way of controlling its population. The blue crab was first found in 2017 and it has already spread to many areas along the island coast. Continue reading We ask that professional fishing for blue crabs is given an incentive

Conscientious Ecology